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Aduro-tronic I pressure cylinder

Aduro-tronic I pressure cylinder

Aduro-tronic I pressure cylinder for some Aduro fireplace stoves.
The pressure cylinder controls the closing mechanism of the primary air supply air damper.
Tighten or loosen the screw on the pressure cylinder to adjust the closing time. A closing time of six minutes is generally recommended.

Please pay attention to the version of the pressure cylinder installed in your system!
The Aduro-tronic I (white) and the Aduro-tronic II (black) are NOT interchangeable!

Regular price 67,10€
Regular price Sale price 67,10€
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Delivery time: 2-5 working days

Pick up possible by arrangement

  • 1 Aduro-tronic I pressure cylinder

Aduro A/S
Beringvej 17
DK-8361 Hasselager

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